

Lushchak 14-01-2025Interview of Volodymyr Lushchak in the programme «About the main thing in the details»

In the programme at Ivano-Frankivsk regional TV channel Halychyna, Volodymyr Lushchak, among other things, was specking  about our project and its role in educating young scientists. The broadcast took place on 14 January 2025. 

A recording of the programme is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Wfov1VoCcM



ContentMediaHow Germans support Ukrainian students

The online media outlet ContentMedia published an article about our project as a way to support Ukrainian biology students in a situation where society and students are losing interest in the natural and exact sciences.

Як у Німеччині підтримують українських студентів та викладачівScholarships for Ukrainian biology students

The online media outlet Vgolos writes  about our project's support for students affected by the war, courses and the opportunity to receive scholarships.


 МедіасатрHelp to Ukrainian education

In the article, MediaStar talks about our project, the possibility of scholarships for students of the courses and cooperation between universities.

Цифрова освіта: Німецька служба академічних обмінів (DAAD) підтримує українських студентів та викладачів у період війниGermany supports young Ukrainian scientists

Online news portal Forpost writes  about our project as a support for young Ukrainian scholars by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), telling about the importance of motivating lecturers to create new forms of education.


LeopolisCollaboration with Lviv National University and new courses

Leopolis.news writes about the participation of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in our project, students and new courses.


Дискусія РАІ 20-11-2024 Interview in TV-program «Power of the Word»:«Bioinformatics and Professions of the Future» on the RAI TV channel.

On November 20, the Ivano-Frankivsk RAI TV channel hosted the programme ‘Power of the Word’: ‘Bioinformatics and Professions of the Future’, which was attended by the lecturers of our project Volodymyr Lushchak and Volodymyr Shvadchak, as well as the acting rector of PNU Igor Tsependa and the head of our project, Olga Garashchuk. The participants discussed the prospects of introducing the new biological speciality ‘Bioinformatics’ at Precarpathian University and the role of international cooperation, in particular our project and DAAD funding, in organising the latest approaches to distance and blended learning. Much attention was paid to the prospects of further cooperation between PNU and the University of Tübingen.

 The programme recording is available at the link: https://www.youtube.com/live/R7849nSsW3s


МедіастарAn interactive meeting of students

The online media Mediastar writes about the experience of Ukrainian students who are currently studying for a bachelor's or master's degree in Germany, based on an interactive meeting held as part of our project.

СокальІнфоDigital education: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports Ukrainian students and teachers during the war

An article on about our project was published in online-media SokalInfo. It describes the support of Ukrainian students and teachers for online-education during the war by f the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

ЕспресоProject for quality education of Ukrainian biology students

The West branch of the large Ukrainian online media Espreso wrote about our project. The article discusses the involvement of a large number of different Ukrainian universities, in particular the cooperation between the universities of Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk in creating the courses. The article also mentions DAAD's support for teachers who were forced to move to other cities and the positive history of their involvement in teaching bioinformatics

БомокOn the exchange of experience between Ukrainian students abroad and in Ukraine

The regional youth newspaper Bomok wrote an article about our seminar - an exchange of experience between Ukrainian students currently studying or doing an internship in Germany and their colleagues who are considering such an opportunity.

ВголосHow Ukrainian students and teachers are supported in Germany

The Western Ukrainian online media Vgolos writes about our project, the support of Ukrainian students and teachers by Germany in the Ukraine Digital programme, and opportunities for teachers to find foreign partners and better integrate into the European educational space.

МедіастарDigital education

The online media outlet MediaStar writes about our project in a story about digital education and grants from the DAAD.

ФорпостThe German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports Ukrainian students and teachers during the war

An article by the Lviv online media outlet Forpost describes our project as one of the opportunities for students affected by the war to receive financial support for online education. Special attention is drawn to the rather large coverage of the project: "In total, about 650 people took the coursesand about 50% of them are from cities most affected by the war or close to the front line."

Студентські діалоги

Students dialogues: exchange of experience on the path to the future profession.

"Vysokyy Zamok" (WZ) published an article about online seminar held as part of our project, during which Ukrainian students studying in Germany told interested peers from Ukraine about the details of higher education in Germany and the practical aspects of getting a place to study and moving.


про головне в деталях

About the main thing in detail. V. Shvadchak, N. Stefanyshyn, O. Garaschuk and D. Dodon. Educational project for students of Ukrainian universities.

TV program "About the main thing in the details" at the regional TV company "Halychyna" (1.03.2023) discussing the problems of education at Ukrainian universities during the war time invited two lecturers from our project, Volodymyr Shvadchak, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Nadiia Stefanyshyn PhD student of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Professor Olga Garaschuk, Director of the Institute of Physiology of the University of Tübingen (Germany) and Dariia Dodon student of the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. They descried our project, support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Program recording: https://youtu.be/PjBUGEtSfGM

 Про головне в деталях. В. Лущак. В. Швадчак. Про українсько-німецький проєкт для студентівAbout the main thing in detail. V. Lushchak and V. Shvadchak. About the Ukrainian-German project for students

TV program "About the main thing in the details" at the regional TV company "Halychyna" (6.10.2022) discussing the problems of education at Ukrainian universities during the war time invited two lecturers from our project, Volodymyr Lushchak, Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, and Volodymyr Shvadchak, Associate Professor of the Department. They descried our project, support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the importance of collaborative interuniversity teaching programs and the ways how online educational courses can help to maintain good quality of the teaching during the war time.

Program recording: https://youtu.be/qJnYrlp2ORU

Українські студенти в умовах війни навчаються онлайн

Ukrainian students in wartime study online - Thanks to the partners from Germany

Interview of Volodymyr Lushchak, Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, about the project to support Ukrainian biology students owing to the financial support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Article in online publication Reporter


Співпраця українських та німецьких університетів в умовах війни

Cooperation between German and Ukrainian universities for the study of Ukrainian biology students in wartime circumstances

Interview of Professor Maria Bayliak, Head of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University about the project which supports Ukrainian biology students who were necessitated to interrupt their studies or leave their homes dure to the war.

Article in online publication Versii

Німецька служба академічних обмінівThe German Academic Exchange Service funds the scientific and pedagogical activities of Ukrainian scientists and students

Interview about the scientific and pedagogical activities of Ukrainian scientists and students with support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Article in online publication Bomok


Фінансування навчання студентівIn times of trouble we need to recognize true friends

Article in West Ukrainian Newspaper "Vysokyy Zamok" (WZ) about our project, support from German institutions to teaching projects in Ukraine. Also it describes how initiative of prof. Olga Garaschuk from Tuebingen University and her collaboration with Stefanyk University (Ivano-Frankivsk) allowed to organize the course and gether a team of lecturers.


освітній онлайн-курсAbout online courses for Ukrainian students of biological specialties

An article in Ukrainian online newspaper Galinfo that discusses engagement of students from numerous Ukrainian universities in frame of our project and acknowledges the financial support from DAAD in for of scholarships.  It also tells about the collaboration between several Ukrainian universities and specialists from biotech company Explogen in teaching life sciences in a new and interesting way.