Biochemistry 2025

General description

In this course, we shall discuss the molecular basis for the functioning of biological systems and the main biochemical processes underlying the general metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.  Special attention is focused on the coordination of the metabolism of different biological compounds and their regulation by vitamins and hormones. Besides the classic enzymatic metabolism, this course presents the modern understanding of non-enzymatic processes and their role in the functioning of living organisms.

All lectures and seminars of this course are 2 h. For seminars, students will be divided into 2 groups. All classes will be given in Ukrainian.

Lecture 1. Energy and Metabolism.

General aspects of metabolism: anabolism and catabolism. Thermodynamic bases of metabolism. The first and second laws of thermodynamics. Endergonic and exergonic reactions. Metabolic pathways. Oxidation and reduction reactions. Redox potential. The Nernst equation. Biological oxidation. High energy phosphates. Chemical structure and biological role of ATP.

Lecture 2. Energy and metabolism of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates: general characteristics and their role in metabolism and organismal energy supply. Metabolism of glycogen: chemistry, biological sense and reciprocal regulation of glycogen metabolism by cyclic AMP. Biological role and chemistry of the glycolytic pathway. Fate of pyruvate after glycolysis.

Lecture 3. Aerobic cellular respiration.

General aspects of aerobic cellular respiration. Chemistry and biological significance of oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate and tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA). Their regulation. Substrate-level phosphorylation. Energy balance of complete glucose oxidation. Modified TCA pathways.

Lecture 4. Electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.

General characteristics and principle of functioning of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation. Chemi-osmotic theory. ATP synthase. Regulation of oxidative phosphorylation. The mitochondrial electron transport chain as a source of free radicals. General aspects and biological significance of non-mitochondrial electron transport chains.

Lecture 5. Structure and functions of mitochondria.

Localization of mitochondria in the cell. The structure of mitochondria. Connection with the endoplasmic reticulum. Features of mitochondrial DNA.

Lecture 6. The role of mitochondria in physiological processes and pathologies.

Physiology of muscles. Secretion of insulin and hydrochloric acid. Hereditary mitochondrial diseases, ischemia, diabetes, stroke, etc.

Lecture 7. Metabolic pathways of carbohydrates: gluconeogenesis and its interplay with glycolysis.

Gluconeogenesis: chemistry and biological sense. Entrance of lactate, glycerol, alanine, and propionate in gluconeogenesis. The interplay between glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. Cori cycle. Reciprocal regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. Futile cycles.

Lecture 8. Metabolic pathways of carbohydrates: pentose phosphate and polyol pathways, interconversion of hexoses and their entrance in glycolysis.

Pentose phosphate pathway: chemistry, regulation, and biological sense. The interplay between pentose phosphate pathway and glycolysis. Polyol pathway, chemistry, and its biological role. Entrance of fructose and galactose in glycolysis.  Metabolism of alcohol.

Lecture 9. Metabolic pathways of lipids: catabolism.

Lipids: general characteristics and their role in metabolism and organismal energy supply. Catabolism of triacylglycerides: the role of hormones. Fatty acid oxidation: activation and transport across the mitochondrial membrane. β-oxidation of saturated fatty acids with an even number of carbon atoms. Energy balance of complete oxidation of palmitic acid. Oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. Oxidation of fatty acids with an odd number of carbon atoms. α- and ω-oxidation of fatty acids.

Lecture 10. Metabolic pathways of lipids: anabolism (biosynthesis of fatty acids

Biosynthesis of fatty acids: shuttle mechanism of acetyl-CoA transportation across the mitochondrial membrane, formation of malonyl-CoA. Biosynthesis of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Regulation of oxidation and synthesis of fatty acids. Biosynthesis of triacylglycerides and phospholipids.

Lecture 11. Metabolic pathways of lipids: cholesterol, ketone bodies, eicosanoids.

Biological role, chemistry, and regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis. Inhibitors of the process, statins. Biotransformation and degradation of cholesterol. General characteristics, biological role, and metabolism of ketone bodies and eicosanoids.

Lecture 12. Structure of proteins and nucleic acids.

Biopolymers. Diffusion and size of molecules. Covalent, hydrogen, ionic, and disulfide bonds. Primary, secondary, and tertiary structure of proteins. Relationship between amino acid sequence and secondary structure of proteins. Chemistry of nucleic acids. Complementarity of double-stranded nucleic acids. Methods to study DNA and RNA structure.

Lecture 13. Metabolic pathways of proteins and amino acids: general catabolic pathways.

Proteins and amino acids: general characteristics and their role in metabolism and organismal energy supply. General pathways of catabolism of amino acids. The role of vitamins. Deamination of amino acids: types and general characteristics. Oxidative deamination of amino acids: role of glutamic acid. Transamination of amino acids: mechanism and biological significance. Non-direct deamination. The role of glutamic and aspartic acids. Transreamination. Synthesis of non-essential amino acids. Decarboxylation of amino acids and their derivatives. Biogenic amines.

Lecture 14. Metabolic pathways of proteins and amino acids: ammonia metabolism, urea cycle, specific pathways of amino acids.

Ammonia binding, transportation, and detoxification. Ammonia metabolism in animals. Urea biosynthesis. Relationship between tricarboxylic acids and the ornithine cycles (Krebs bicycle).

Lecture 15. Metabolic pathways of nucleotides.

Integration of metabolism.Coordination of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism. Involvement of vitamins and hormones in the metabolism regulation. Nucleic acids: general characteristics, structure, and functions. Degradation and biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides. General characteristics, chemistry, biological role, and regulation of the processes. Disturbance of nucleotide metabolism.

Lecture 16. Non-enzymatic processes in biological systems: free radical oxidation and glycation.

General characteristics of free radicals and reactive oxygen species and their reactions. Non-enzymatic glycosylation (glycation). General characteristics of reactive carbonyl species and advanced glycation end products. Generation of reactive oxygen and carbonyl species in living systems, their reaction with cellular constituents. Mechanisms of protection against the reactive forms. Glycoxidation. "Useful" role of reactive species: signaling and involvement in immune response.

Lecture 17. Non-enzymatic processes in biological systems: free radical and glycation aging theories.

Analysis of the theories of "chemical damage" of biomolecules. General aspects of the theory of oxidative/carbonyl stress. Chronic and acute oxidative/carbonyl stress. "Aging" of biomolecules and defensive systems against reactive oxygen and carbonyl species.

Lecture 18. Integration of metabolism.

Coordination of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism. Involvement of vitamins and hormones in the metabolism regulation.

Lecture 19. Biochemical aspects of human nutrition.

Macronutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins), micronutrients (vitamins and trace elements). The human body's needs for nutrients. Physiological energy needs vs the energy value of essential nutrients, including carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Nutrient value of common foods. Rational approaches to nutrition. Trace elements and vitamins in human nutrition: preventive and curative aspects of human disorders.

Seminar 1. Carbohydrate metabolism and its regulation.
Oleksandra ABRAT
Seminar 2. Lipid metabolism and its regulation.
Oleksandra ABRAT
Seminar 3. Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders.
Oleksandra ABRAT
Seminar 4. Mitochondria in physiological processes and pathologies.
Seminar 5. Metabolism of proteins and amino acids and regulation.
Seminar 6. Metabolism of nucleotides and its regulation.
Seminar 7. Protein and nucleotide metabolism disorders.
Seminar 8. Software for visualization of the protein and DNA structure.
Seminar 9. Non-enzymatic processes in biology.
Seminar 10. Integration of metabolism.
Seminar 11. Nutritional biochemistry.
Bachelor and master students
Practical classes
3 Months
2 credits ECTS
Date Time Topic Lecture
23.01.2025 Thu 16:00 Lecture 1. Energy and Metabolism. Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
25.01.2025 Sat 12:00 Lecture 2. Energy and metabolism of carbohydrates. Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
29.01.2025 Wed 14:00 Lecture 3. Aerobic cellular respiration. Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
31.01.2025 Fri 14:00 Lecture 4. Electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation. Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
04.02.2025 Tue 15:30 Lecture 5. Structure and functions of mitochondria. Dmytro GOSPODARYOV
04.02.2025 Tue 17:40 Lecture 6. The role of mitochondria in physiological processes and pathologies. Dmytro GOSPODARYOV 
05.02.2025 Wed 14:00 Lecture 7. Metabolic pathways of carbohydrates: gluconeogenesis and its interplay with glycolysis. Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
07.02.2025 Fri 14:00 Lecture 8. Metabolic pathways of carbohydrates: pentose phosphate and polyol pathways, interconversion of hexoses and their entrance in glycolysis. Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
07.02.2025 Fri 16:00 Seminar 1. Group 1. Carbohydrate metabolism and its regulation. Oleksandra ABRAT
07.02.2025 Fri 18:00 Seminar 1. Group 2. Carbohydrate metabolism and its regulation. Oleksandra ABRAT
11.02.2025 Tue  14:00 Lecture 9. Metabolic pathways of lipids: catabolism. Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
13.02.2025 Thu 14:00 Lecture 10. Metabolic pathways of lipids: anabolism (biosynthesis of fatty acids Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
19.02.2025 Wed 14:00 Lecture 11. Metabolic pathways of lipids: cholesterol, ketone bodies, eicosanoids. Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
19.02.2025 Wed 16:00 Seminar 2. Group 1. Lipid metabolism and its regulation. Oleksandra ABRAT
19.02.2025 Wed 18:00 Seminar 2. Group 1. Lipid metabolism and its regulation. Oleksandra ABRAT
20.02.2025 Thu 14:00 Lecture 12. Structure of proteins and nucleic acids. Volodymyr SHVADCHAK
20.02.2025 Thu 16:00 Seminar 3. Group 1. Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders. Oleksandra ABRAT
20.02.2025 Thu 18:00 Seminar 3. Group 1. Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders. Oleksandra ABRAT
21.02.2025 Fri 14:00 Lecture 13. Metabolic pathways of proteins and amino acids: general catabolic pathways. Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
21.02.2025 Fri 16:00 Seminar 4. Group 1. Mitochondria in physiological processes and pathologies. Dmytro GOSPODARYOV
21.02.2025 Fri 18:00 Seminar 4. Group 2. Mitochondria in physiological processes and pathologies. Dmytro GOSPODARYOV
22.02.2025 Sat 10:00 Seminar 5. Group 1. Metabolism of proteins and amino acids and regulation. Volodymyr SHVADCHAK
22.02.2025 Sat 12:00 Seminar 5. Group 2. Metabolism of proteins and amino acids and regulation. Volodymyr SHVADCHAK
26.02.2025 Wed 14:00

Lecture 14. Metabolic pathways of proteins and amino acids: ammonia metabolism, urea cycle, specific pathways of amino acids.

28.02.2025 Fri 16:00 Seminar 6. Group 1. Metabolism of nucleotides and its regulation. Galyna USHAKOVA
28.02.2025 Fri 18:00 Seminar 6. Group 2. Metabolism of nucleotides and its regulation. Galyna USHAKOVA
01.03.2025 Sat 11:00 Lecture 15. Metabolic pathways of nucleotides. Galyna USHAKOVA
04.03.2025 Tue 16:00 Seminar 7. Group 1. Protein and nucleotide metabolism disorders. Galyna USHAKOVA
04.03.2025 Tue 18:00 Seminar 7. Group 2. Protein and nucleotide metabolism disorders. Galyna USHAKOVA
05.03.2025 Wed   Lecture 16. Non-enzymatic processes in biological systems: free radical oxidation and glycation. Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
06.03.2025 Thu 16:00 Seminar 8. Group 1. Software for visualization of the protein and DNA structure. Galyna USHAKOVA
06.03.2025 Thu 18:00 Seminar 8. Group 2. Software for visualization of the protein and DNA structure. Galyna USHAKOVA
07.03.2025 Fri   Lecture 17. Non-enzymatic processes in biological systems: free radical and glycation aging theories. Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
10.03.2025 Mon 16:00 Lecture 18. Integration of metabolism. Galyna USHAKOVA
11.03.2025 Tue 16:00 Seminar 9. Group 1. Non-enzymatic processes in biology. Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
12.03.2025 Wed 16:00 Seminar 9. Group 2. Non-enzymatic processes in biology. Halyna SEMCHYSHYN
13.03.2025 Thu 16:00 Seminar 10. Group 1. Integration of metabolism. Galyna USHAKOVA
13.03.2025 Thu 18:00 Seminar 10. Group 2. Integration of metabolism. Galyna USHAKOVA
15.03.2025 Sat 14:00 Lecture 19. Biochemical aspects of human nutrition. Olha YAREMCHUK
17.03.2025 Mon 18:00 Seminar 11. Group 1. Nutritional biochemistry. Olha YAREMCHUK
20.03.2025 Thu 18:00 Seminar 11. Group 1. Nutritional biochemistry. Olha YAREMCHUK

Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

Head of the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Professor, PhD, DocSci, Dnipro

Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (PNU), Ivano-Frankivsk

Associate Professor, PhD, Department of Biochemistrya nd Biotechnology Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (PNU), Ivano-Frankivsk

Professor of the Department of Medical Biochemistry of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

Associate professor at the Precarpathian University (Ivano-Frankivsk). Doctorate degree in Life sciences (PhD) was obtained from Strasbourg University in 2009 for research work on the development of solvatochromic fluorescent labels for studies of protein interactions.