Galyna Ushakova
Head of the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University , Professor, PhD, DocSci, Dnipro, Ukraine
The scientific and pedagogical activities from the assistant to the head of the department are basically connected with the Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry of DNU (since 2018, Department of Biochemistry and Physiology) . In 1988, she received a diploma in Biochemistry and entered postgraduate school, after completing it in 1991, she defended her candidate's thesis "Comparative characteristics of the cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in the brain of rats with neurosis and the effect of psychotropic substances". In 2005, she defended her DocSci thesis "The role of glycosaminoglycan-binding proteins in brain morphogenesis and plasticity." She is a member of the Ukrainian Neuroscience Society, the European Federation of Neuroscience Societies (FENS), and the Ukrainian Biochemical Society. Received personal grants from international organizations FENS, IBRO, ISF, ENS, NATO, Soros Foundation, ISDN, Visby Swedish Institute, SGPlus, thanks to which she increased her scientific and pedagogical qualifications in Canada, Australia, Greece, Finland, England, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Poland.
Scientific interests concern molecular biochemical mechanisms of learning, memory, adaptation of neurons and glial cells of the brain to stressogenic and pathogenic factors, molecular mechanisms of intercellular communication involving neurospecific proteins and glycosaminoglycan-binding components. Has skills in modern biochemical and immunohistochemical methods of analysis, and methods of recording the physiological activity of animals.
Publications: 52, H-index-9
Shepilov, D., Kovalenko, T., Ushakova, G., Prykhodko, O., Skibo, G. Varying Dietary Component Ratios and Lingonberry Supplementation May Affect the Hippocampal Structure of ApoE–/
Mice. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9, 565051
Kovalchuk, Y.P., Shiyntum, H.N., Ushakovа, G.A. Astrocyte specific proteins content in the different parts of the rat and Mongolian gerbil brain during ontogenesis. Ukrainian Biochemical Journal,
2021, 93(3), 13–23
Shevtsova, A., Gordiienko, I., Tkachenko, V., Ushakova, G. Ischemia-Modified Albumin: Origins and Clinical Implications. Disease Markers, 2021, 2021, 9945424