Finished project

Course start: 10.09.2022

The integrated course "Life Sciences" combines:


Molecular Biology



Introduction To Microscopy

Instrumental Methods

The course is designed for bachelor students of biological specialties (regardless of the course of study and university). The maximum number of participants is 90. If there are more applications,  free participation in the lectures will be offered. (without awarding a certificate).

Scholarship: 50 scholarships in the amount of 600 euros per student.

For funding, students should successfully pass the exam after completing the course. Preference at the pre-selection phase will be given to students who lived in areas close to the frontline and who were forced to move to another region of Ukraine. Participation in lectures is mandatory.

Registration: until 05.09.2022 (inclusive)

The duration of the course: 3 months (from 10.09.2022 to 15.12.2022)

150 hours (5 ECTS credits).

Course start: 20.09.2022

Bioinformatics is a branch of biology that uses information technologies and statistical methods to analyze large arrays of biological data, such as genome sequencing or protein content analysis. It is becoming more and more necessary and used in the world, but it is not yet taught at a sufficient level in all universities in Ukraine.

The course is designed for undergraduate, master’s, and postgraduate students of biological specialties (regardless of the course of study and institution of higher education). The expected number of participants is 30. If there are more applications, we will offer free participation in the lectures (without awarding a certificate).

Scholarship: 30 scholarships of 200 euros.

For funding, students should successfully pass the exam after completing the course. Preference will be given to students who lived in areas close to hostilities and who had to move to another region of Ukraine. It is also important whether students have taken part in the offered courses.

Registration: until 15.09.2022 (inclusive)

The duration of the course: 6 weeks (from 20.09.2022 to 01.11.2022)

30 hours (1 ECTS credit)

Course start: 08.03.2023

The aim of the course is to teach students the functions of the nervous system at all levels from the molecular to the systemic. The course explains in detail the molecular properties and function of excitable cells, human brain development, epigenetic regulation, and synaptic plasticity, and introduces students to designing and conducting of electrophysiological experiments. 

The curriculum is designed for 3rd and 4th year bachelor's students, master's and postgraduate students of biological specialties. The expected number of participants is 40.

Scholarship: 18 scholarships of 200 euros.

Registration: till 28.02.2023 (closed)

The duration of the course: 6 weeks (from 08.03.2023 to 29.04.2023)

30 hours (1 ECTS credit)

Course start: 06.03.2023

Bioinformatics is a branch of science that uses information technologies and statistical methods to analyze large arrays of biological data, such as genome sequencing or protein content analysis. It is becoming more and more necessary and used in the world, but it is not yet taught at a sufficient level in all universities in Ukraine.

The course is designed for master’s, postgraduate, and 4th year undergraduate students of biological specialties (regardless institution of higher education).

The expected number of participants is 40. If there are more applications, we will offer free participation in the lectures (without awarding a certificate).

Scholarship: 18 scholarships of 200 euros.

Registration: until 26.02.2023 (closed)

The duration of the course: 6 weeks (from 06.03.2023 to 27.04.2023)

30 hours (1 ECTS credit)


The purpose of the course is to provide knowledge about the main stages of the idea implementation, planning and execution of the experimental part of a scientific project (preparation phase, selection and setting of methods, design and planning of individual experiments, expansion of project to study the molecular mechanisms underlying the obtained biological effects). The practical part will include the preparation of a project according to one's own idea, but with invented results that confirm the idea. The basic skills and abilities necessary for successful research include the use of laboratory equipment, experimental design, preparation of the solutions, selection of the conditions for determination of enzyme activities, filling the lab notebook as well as preparation of scientific reports and a manuscript. All these issues will be addressed during the course. Practical classes will include video demonstrations of the laboratory work and experiments.

The course is designed for  bachelor's students, who are willing to prepare for research work

The expected number of participants is 30.

Scholarship: 14 scholarships of 200 euros. For students strongly affected by the war. Funding conditions include successful completion of the course.

Registration: till 6.04.2023 (closed)

The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with the basic and innovative forms of face-to-face and distance learning, as well as forms of popularization and dissemination of knowledge among the general public. Specifically, we aim to provide in-depth knowledge of principles, methods, and organizational approaches in teaching biological sciences; to form practical abilities, skills, general and special professional student-teaching competences as well as to convey approaches for the dissemination of the biological knowledge to the general public.

Course start: 10.10.2023

The aim of the course is to provide an in-depth knowledge of the basic methods of classical statistics and their application to biomedical data analysis. Statistical learning is a crucial tool for anyone who wants to make sense of their data and extract useful patterns from an array of information. This field of science combines both classical statistics and modern machine learning methods to create models that describe complex relationships between data, as well as to draw the necessary conclusions about the nature of this interaction. 

The course is designed for master’s and undergraduate students of biological specialties (regardless institution of higher education).

The duration of the course: 1 month (from 10.10.2023), 30 hours (1 ECTS credit)

The expected number of participants is 40. 

Scholarship: 18 scholarships of 200 euros.

Registration: from  05.09.2023 (closed)

After the end of registration, everyone who sent an application will receive a letter to their e-mail with a notification about registration/rejection.

Course start: 11.09.2023

This integrated course is designed to:

to create in students a holistic picture and understanding of the interrelationships between various biological sciences: biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, physiology;

to deepen and master new skills, which in the future will help students realize themselves as qualified specialist, enter a master's degree or continue a scientific career in laboratories abroad.

The duration of the course is 3 months (from 11.09.2023), 120 hours (4 ECTS credits). Classes (lectures and seminars) will be held online, preferably at a time that will not overlap with the main studies of students at universities.

Scholarship: 36 scholarships of 600 euros. For students from families affected by the war. Funding conditions require successful completion of the course. 

Registration: until 05.09.2023 (closed)

After the end of registration, everyone who sent an application will receive a letter to their e-mail with a notification about registration/rejection.

Course start: 02.10.2023

Course objective:

  • To introduce students to the fundamental aspects of microbiology, virology and immunology, with an emphasis on their interrelationship and role in pathological processes (students will study the structure and physiology of microbes, biological properties of viruses, the structure of the immune system and the formation of the immune response, and methods of diagnosing infections);
  •  To provide a theoretical and practical basis for further research and work in the field of microbiology, virology, medicine, epidemiology, infectious diseases, and biotechnology.

The duration of the course is 2 months (from 02.10.2023), 90 hours (3 ECTS credits). Classes (lectures and seminars) will be held online, preferably at a time that will not overlap with the main studies of students at universities.

Scholarship: 27 scholarships of 400 euros. For students from families affected by the war. Funding conditions require successful completion of the course. 

Registration: from 25.08.2023 (closed)

After the end of registration, everyone who sent an application will receive a letter to their e-mail with a notification about registration/rejection.

Course start: 02.10.2023

Bioinformatics is a branch of science that uses information technologies and statistical methods to analyze large arrays of biological data, such as genome sequencing or protein content analysis. It is becoming more and more necessary and used in the world, but it is not yet taught at a sufficient level in all universities in Ukraine.

The course is designed for master’s, postgraduate, and 4th year undergraduate students of biological specialties (regardless institution of higher education).

The duration of the course: 6 weeks (from 02.10.2023 to 10.11.2023), 30 hours (1 ECTS credit)

The expected number of participants is 40. If there are more applications, we will offer free participation in the lectures (without awarding a certificate).

Scholarship: 18 scholarships of 200 euros.

Registration: from 20.08.2023 to 20.09.2023

After the end of registration, everyone who sent an application will receive a letter to their e-mail with a notification about registration/rejection.


This integrated course is designed: 

to create in students a holistic picture and understanding of the interrelationships between various biological sciences: biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, bioenergetics, physiology;

to deepen and master new skills, which in the future will help students realize themselves as qualified specialist, enter a master's degree or continue a scientific career in laboratories abroad.

The duration of the course is 3 months (from 04.03.2024), 180 hours (6 ECTS credits). Classes (lectures and seminars) will be held online, preferably at a time that will not overlap with the main studies of students at universities: 16:00 and 18:00 workdays.

Scholarship: 24 scholarships of 400 euros for students from families affected by the war.

Основним завданням курсу «Біоінформатика» є ознайомлення студентів та аспірантів із базами біомедичних даних та методами роботи із ними, а також із основними підходами у аналізі послідовностей ДНК та білків. Курс охоплює принципи попарного та множинного вирівнювання, аналіз еволюційних зв'язків (еволюційна та популяційна генетика), побудова філогенетичних дерев. Курс розрахований на студентів, які володіють базовими знаннями з молекулярної біології та генетики. Він буде особливо корисним студентам, що планують змінювати заклад вищої освіти при вступі в магістратуру чи аспірантуру.

Курс розрахований на  магістрантів та аспірантів біологічних спеціальностей, а також бакалаврантів 4го курсу. Максимальна кількість учасників – 40. 

Тривалість курсу – 6 тижнів (березень-квітень 2024), 30 годин (1 кредит ЄКТС). Пари (лекції та практичні/семінари) проводитимуться онлайн в час, який не перекривається з основним навчанням студентів в університетах.


Реєстрація: розпочнеться у лютому.

Стипендія: Для студентів з родин, що сильно постраждали від війни передбачено 13 стипендій по 200 євро. 


Мета курсу – продемонструвати студентам функції нервової системи на всіх рівнях від молекулярного до системного з фокусом на фундаментальні молекулярні й клітинні механізми, які лежать в основі складніших процесів. 

Курс розрахований на студентів освітнього рівня бакалавр 3-го та старших курсів та аспірантів, спрямований на створення в них глибокого розуміння принципів роботи нервових клітин та міжклітинних взаємодій. Очікувана кількість учасників – 40. 

Стипендія: 13 стипендій по 200 євро. Для студентів з родин, що сильно постраждали від війни. Умови фінансування передбачають успішне проходження курсу. 

Реєстрація: розпочнеться у лютому 2024  


This course covers modern methods for visualizing, studying the structure and interactions of biological molecules. Its main goal is to tell students about the possibilities and limitations of each of the most popular methods and explain how to choose the simplest and most effective approach to answer a specific experimental question.

The course consists of several blocks, which will be taught by experts in their respective fields: Fluorescence spectroscopy (Vasyl Pyvovarenko, KNU); Fluorescence microscopy (Yuriy Kovalchuk, University of Tübingen; Petro Khoroshyy, IOCB Prague); Electron microscopy (Nina Bondarenko, Hanover Medical School/DNU); LC-MS and basics of proteomics (Oleg Lushchak, PNU/LMS London); other methods of structure determination (Volodymyr Shvadchak, PNU).

Practical work will cover the workflow of processing real experimental data sets from fluorescence and CD experiments, planning chromatographic experiments, in-depth work with fluorescence microscopy images using ImageJ.

The course consists of 26 lectures and 14 seminars/practical classes. Lectures and seminars of this course will last one and a half hours each. For seminars, students will be divided into 2 groups.

All classes will be given in Ukrainian.

Scholarship: 25 scholarships of 400 euros. For students from families affected by the war. Funding conditions require successful completion of the course. 

Registration: to June 23, 2024

After the end of registration, everyone who sent an application will receive a letter to their e-mail with a notification about registration/rejection.


This comprehensive, hands-on course provides training on the bioinformatics of gene expression analysis, focusing on bulk RNA-sequencing data using R, R Studio, and various R packages. Additionally, the course introduces foundational concepts of single-cell RNA-seq analysis. All instructors are practicing bioinformaticians and lecturers at training courses of NGO Genomics UA. Each session includes an introductory lecture followed by a practical tutorial. During tutorials, students will engage live in data analysis under the guidance of an instructor and participate in interactive assessments.

The course begins with an R boot camp to introduce newcomers to the R programming language and R Studio, while also serving as a refresher for those already familiar with R. Next, the basics of expression analysis, advanced R techniques, differential expression analysis using DESeq2, data visualization, functional analysis, and single-cell expression analysis are discussed. A final assessment in the form of multiple-choice questions will conclude the course, requiring a minimum pass rate of 70% on each test for successful completion. Besides, the course features a team project where groups of 2-3 students analyze expression data from a publicly available dataset, starting from a count matrix. Two final sessions focus on student presentations and feedback from the instructors. These mini-projects are not graded but successful teams will receive additional certificates from NGO Genomics UA, signed by the instructors.

All instruction will be delivered in Ukrainian, but as the bioinformatics packages are documented in English and the field uses established English terminology, the necessary background will be provided in each session.

The course consists of 30 classes.  For classes, students will be divided into 2 groups.

All classes will be given in Ukrainian.

Scholarship: 25 scholarships of 200 euros. For students from families affected by the war. Funding conditions require successful completion of the course. 

Registration: to July 23, 2024

After the end of registration, everyone who sent an application will receive a letter to their e-mail with a notification about registration/rejection.