Nataliya Matiytsiv

Professional activity
2012 - Present time – Associate Professor at the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
2006 – 2012 – Lecturer
2002 – 2006 – Ph.D. student, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Internship: 2005,2006 StockholmUniversity (Sweden); 2011 FreiburgUniversity (Germany).
Researcher: 2007 the international USA-Ukraine CRDF project“Drosophila as a Model System of Muscular Dystrophy”;2017-2019 in the project “Investigation of autophagous degradation mechanisms of human alpha-synuclein induced by low molecular weight compounds abnormal forms in model Biosystems”.
Head of scientific project “Dissecting the molecular mechanisms of neurodegenaration and protective roles of miRNAs in Drosophila SWS/NTE neuropathy model” in collaboration with Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Germany) (2016-2023).
Scientific degree: 2009 – Candidate of science (Genetics)
Academic rank: 2014 –AssociateProfessor of DepartmentofGeneticsandBiotechnology
Since 2002 – Member of Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders of Ukraine
Since 2016 – Member ofUkrainian Society for Neuroscience and FENS (FederationofEuropeanNeuroscienceSocieties).
Lecturecourses:Genetics, Medical Genetics, Human reproductive biology(for Bachelor students); Genetic Counseling, Genetic mechanisms(for Master’s students)
Research Interests – Morphological and Genetic Regulation of Brain Degeneration, Search for Preventive and Therapeutic Agents, Genetics of Aging, Behavioral Genetics using Drosophila model; Wolbachia infection, symbiotic interactions.
Genetic Counselorat scientific medical and genetic center “LeoGENE”