Sergei Beschasnyy

Associate Professor, PhD Department of Human Biology and Immunology Kherson State University.


Selected publications

Beschasnyi, S., & Hasiuk, O. (2023). Carbon monoxide and their donor (CORM-2) change the healing rate of skin wound healing in mice through reduced expression of aquaporin-3. Fabad Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 48(1), 1-10.

Beschasnyi, S. (2022). CORM-2 affects level of malondialdehyde and expression of myocardial markers PTGS2, ANP, BNP, mvh7 under induced ferroptosis. Природничий альманах (біологічні науки), (32), 47-54.

Beschasnyi, S. P., & Hasiuk, O. M. (2021). The carbon monoxide donor, topiramate, and blockers of aquaporine receptors decrease myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injiry. Fiziologichnyi Zhurnal (Physiological Journal), 67(5).

