Valentyna Yakubiv

A visiting professor at Lodz University (Poland) and AGH University of Technology in Krakow (Poland).
She obtained the scientific degree of doctor of economic sciences with a specialty of 08.00.04 – economics and enterprise management in 2012. In 2018, she was awarded the academic title of professor of departments and management and business administration. Since 2015, he has been working as a business trainer at the School of Business and Management (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine) and conducts trainings on the development of soft skills, personnel management, time management, and leadership and team building.

Scientific interests: strategic management in organizations; HR; project management.

Selected publications

1. Yakubiv V., Boryshkevych I. Theoretical principles of motivation management in the territorial community. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Vol. 10, No. 2(2023), 24-32. URL:
2. Yakubiv V. M., Boryshkevich I. I. Evaluation of students' time management level. Efficient economy. 2023. № 9. URL:
3. Yakymchuk, A., Valyukh, A., Irtyshcheva, I., ...Hryshyna, N., Ishchenko, O. Economic Diagnostics and Management of Eco-Innovations: Conceptual Model of Taxonomic Analysis. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021, 1322, pp. 573–579

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