Viktor Husak

He received his higher education at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2004 after which did Ph.D. at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University under the supervision of Professor Volodymyr Lushchak, majoring in 03.00.04 – biochemistry (2004–2007). Since 2007 he has been a full-time employee of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology. He received a scientific degree in 2008,and an academic title in 2014. Since 2019 he has been working on a doctoral dissertation. At the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, he teaches the disciplines «Bioinformatics», «Biotechnology», «Mathematical methods in biology», «Enzymology».

Areas of scientific interests:

1. Oxidative stress in organisms;

2. Biochemical aspects of free radical metabolism;

3. Effects of transition metals, pesticides and other environmental pollutants and xenobiotics on living organisms.


Selected publications

1. Гусак В.В., Господарьов Д.В., Лущак В.В. Статистика малих вибірок у біології і медицині з основами програмування в Python і R. – Івано-Франківськ: ПП Голіней, 2023. – 237 с.

2. Гусак В.В., Абрат О.Б. Біохімія крові. Короткий курс. – Івано-Франківськ: ПП Голіней, 2023. – 127 с.

3. Гусак В.В., Господарьов Д.В., Лущак В.І. Статистика в біології: обробка даних малих вибірок / В.В. Гусак,  Д.В. Господарьов, В.І. Лущак. Видавництво пп Голіней, м. Івано-Франківськ, 2015. – 125 с.

4. Danyliuk, N., Lapchuk, I., & Husak, V. (2024). Toxicity of water treated with Fenton-like ferrite catalyst. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State25(1), 170–177.

5. Husak V., Bayliak M. Molecular mechanisms of chromium tolerance in plants: A key role of antioxidant defense. In: Kumar, N., Walther, C., Gupta, D.K. (eds) Chromium in plants and environment. Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham, 2023. pp. 443–479

A complete list of publications can be found

in PubMed database:

in Scopus abstract and indexing database:

in ORCID databas:

in Google Scholar:

in ResearchGate network:



The course comprises lectures and hands-on sessions devoted to programming in Python, specifically designed for biologists who are new to programming. It focuses on Python to address applied problems in statistics and bioinformatics. We start with fundamental programming concepts, scripting, and file manipulation before moving on to the use of specialized packages for handling biological data.

All classes will be given in Ukrainian.